The King’s Ridge Fourth Grade program continues to develop reading, writing, math, and additional subjects using already established foundational skills.
In the reading program, students read core novels as a class with multiple novels within a unit, allowing them to control their pace and topics as they become independent readers. Students are encouraged to create individual reading goals within multiple literature genres, supported through one-on-one conferences with the teacher. Comprehension skills are further developed with oral communication.
The writing program incorporates parts of speech, usage, and mechanics to create varied sentence patterns. Students learn about analogies, synonyms, antonyms, and contextual clues to assist in their comprehension. Writing assignments include descriptive writing using vivid verbs, multi-paragraph essays, and a research paper, incorporating the five-step writing process.
In fourth grade, math talk and daily guided practice continues as students work toward mental computation, written work, and math facts fluency. Students are also taught to communicate mathematically, analyze multi-step problems, and apply mathematical ideas to real-life situations.
Students engage in the learning process using hands-on materials, games, and cooperative learning activities. The science curriculum expands to satisfy each student’s growing ability to think critically about science and apply it in the real world. Students practice the scientific process while acquiring an overview of life, earth, and physical sciences. Social Studies begins with studying the exploration era and continues with the European influence on the colonial settlements and the Revolutionary War. Education technology is used to reinforce and enrich the learning process.
At King’s Ridge, we acknowledge and tailor the curriculum to each student’s comprehension level. Students who need a challenge are offered accelerated reading, writing, and math activities. Reading specialists provide small group instruction and extra reading activities for students needing remediation.
Creativity is fostered in multiple centers and art activities through hands-on methods of instruction. Exploring God’s handiwork sparks curiosity in students to discover His presence in nature and the world in which we live. King’s Ridge uses technology to reinforce and enrich the learning process, even during the fourth grade.
Class size: 20 students with a teacher and half-time assistant